Excellent Home Remedies For a Jammed Toe

Written by on November 19, 2016 in Advice

The pain from a jammed a stubbed or a jammed toe takes your breath and denies you peace. A jammed toe results in fractures and soft tissues damage especially if you neglect it thinking it is a minor injury that will fade quickly. If you have a jammed to, worry no more because the following home remedies for a jammed toe will help in relieving the immediate pain. However, if the pain persists for days or your toe appears deformed, it is worthwhile to see a healthcare practitioner.

The first step if you develop a jammed toe is to rest your feet in order to avoid compulsion or causing additional pressure. Apply a thin towel wrapped with a cold gel or ice pack to your toe while elevating the injured foot above your heart for approximately twelve hours using pillows. If it is the big toe that is injured, apply an elastic wrap on it in order to prevent unnecessary movements. To further ease the pain, take any form of anti-inflammatory or non-steroidal drug from a chemist. Ensure you consult the pharmacist where you have any doubts. Furthermore, it is good to seek consultation from the physician before taking other medications.

Severe stubbing or jamming your toe causes traumatic fracture so you should watch your toe for some days. If signs of bruising or swelling starts to appear, visiting a physician is inevitable. Anny irregular signs after the home remedies should be taken seriously to avoid further complications. In order to avoid injuries on your toe, always wear shoes especially when you are walking outside. If you wake up at night, the first thing should be turning on the lights. Choosing the right footwear is also an excellent way of reducing chances of repeated injuries on your toes. If you have a prior injury, always avoid wearing shoes that force your toes into unnatural position.


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