Home Remedies for Toothache

Written by on November 19, 2016 in Featured Articles

Problems such as a cracked tooth, gum disease, grinding the teeth or abnormal bit can cause tooth pain. However, the most common type of tooth pain is caused by tooth decay resulting in cavities. Bacteria in the mouth react to starches and sugars resulting in cavities in the teeth. As bacteria tries to break down starches and sugars, a sticky plaque full of acid can form over the tooth. The plaque then forms tartar which is hard to remove by brushing alone. Acids eat away the tooth enamel and in extreme conditions the tooth until pulp is infected resulting in excruciating pain especially when taking extremely hot or cold drinks. Fortunately, there are certain inexpensive home remedies that a person can use to cure tooth pain effectively.

Most Effective Tooth Pain Home Remedies

· Saltwater rinse- As bacteria in the mouth breaks down sugars; lactic acid is produced. Lactic acid eats away a person’s enamel and teeth. Salt in the salty water neutralizes lactic acid slowing down the process of decay thereby relieving pain. The salty water further contracts inflamed tissues as it is drawing excess fluid easing discomfort. Just swish salty water in the mouth for about one minute before spitting then repeat.

· Cloves- Cloves have high levels of an antiseptic and painkiller known as eugenol. Cloves have been used for years now long before modern dentistry was developed. Eugenol extracted in purified form from cloves is still used in modern dentistry. Dentists swab eugenol on patient’s gums to numb a tooth area before administering lidocaine or Novocain. Eugenol acts on pain receptors by blocking them thereby eliminating the sensation of pain. Just crush a few cloves and apply on teeth.

· Alcohol- Alcohol is highly effective in relieving pain. As many people have attested, alcohol numbs the pain area. You will just need to soak a cotton ball in alcohol and squeeze the dripping alcohol before placing it on the sore tooth

· Peppermint oil- Peppermint contains high levels of methanol, which is used to manufacture over the counter pain relieving creams, gels, sprays, and rubs. Methanol is one of the most effective painkillers. Methanol contains ligand that attaches itself to the k-opioid receptor, which is one of the four receptors binding opiate-like compounds in the brain. The receptor alters the brain’s perception of pain. Cold methanol receptor desensitizes the region of a painful tooth and also tricks the brain into registering the feeling of a soothing cold sensation. Soak a cotton ball in a mixture or peppermint essential oil and olive oil. Pack the oil soaked cotton ball around a sore tooth.


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