Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection

Written by on November 19, 2016 in Featured Articles

Urinary Tract Infections (also known as UTIs) are fairly common occurrences in women, even men and can be quite uncomfortable and irritating. Painkillers and antibiotics are the medicines people use to ease the pain and treat the infections. But one can never go wrong with natural home remedies as it’s always the better, easier option to treat infections and in this case UTIs. Listed below are various home remedies to treat urinary tract infections:

Drinking Water
As basic as it might sound, drinking water helps in flushing out the microbes that bring about the infections. Also when you drink a lot of water you dilute the urine hence less burn sensation within the urinary tract.

Ease Yourself Frequently
Get up and go pee. This plays an important role in clearing and moving away the bacteria creating the UTI. So pee as often!

Cranberry Juice
This natural fruit juice has a lot of health benefits one of them being removing toxins from the body. Cranberry juice has astringent properties that help in corroding away and scrapping off the bacteria on the urinary tract walls.

Use of Heat to relieve the pain
Heat has always been used to soothe any type of pain away. You can take a hot shower or soak yourself in a tub of hot water. In addition, you can place a bottle filled with hot water over your bladder or even a damp hot towel.

Herbal solutions
Brewed up herbs have been used since ancient times to relieve inflammation and heal infections. Herbs such as parsley and celery seeds make refreshing drinks that act as diuretics. Drinking ginger infused drinks also assist in reducing inflammation within the urinary tract. These herbal infused and brewed drinks in return also increases urination frequency thus flushing away more bacteria.

Change of lifestyle and diet watch
There are certain foods that trigger UTI such as gassy drinks such as sodas and spiced up foods. Also alcoholic, caffeinated and artificially sweetened drinks irritates the urinary tact walls. Avoiding all these can help reduce the irritation on the urinary tract walls. Wearing more of cotton an less tight under garments also decreases irritations such as itchiness.


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